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Lakeridge Middle School Athletics

Our middle school athletic teams are designed to be inclusive and welcoming to all enrolled students. We offer a variety of sports, ensuring there's something for everyone.

Fall Sports

Cross Country


Winter Sports



Spring Sports

Track and Field


Practices occur immediately after school.

For the convenience of our students and their parents, an activity bus is available to transport students to neighborhood elementary schools after practices and for offsite contests.

Teachers, staff members, and volunteers coach the student-athletes.

Required registration opens before each season begins. Please look for essential notices in the school newsletter.

Schedules and other timely information are shared with athletes and their families during the season through ParentSquare groups.

Competitive Programs

Besides the school-sponsored athletic programs, many student-athletes participate in competitive programs together. These programs involve tryouts well before the season and tournaments that may require family travel. While these programs include many of our students and rent school facilities, they are run by independent organizations and managed outside the school. These programs often promote registration in our school communications, including the district-wide After-School Programs Bulletin Board.