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Talented and Gifted (TAG)

TAG Program Documents

1) The Talented and Gifted (TAG) Program is a mainstream model. Your child's classroom teachers have the primary responsibility to meet their learning needs. Classroom instruction provided to identified students shall be designed to accommodate their assessed levels of learning and accelerated rates of learning. TAG students will participate in standards-based instruction. TAG Coordinators support classroom teachers’ ability to differentiate district-adopted curriculum. Students may also participate in school-wide enrichment activities or be invited to participate in targeted pull-out activities informed by classroom formative assessments and social/emotional needs.

Description of Differentiation Strategies PDF

2) Each TAG student will enroll themselves in a TAG Google Classroom facilitated by Ms. Cochran. This Google Classroom will contain resources for optional enrichment: lists of contests and competitions, a list of school clubs, book lists, and other resources and opportunities that come up throughout the year.

3) Each TAG student will, with the guidance of the TAG Coordinator, author their own TAG Plan in the fall and reflect on their growth in the spring. Ms. Cochran will meet with small groups of TAG students in September or early October, and again in May to help students complete their goals and reflections.

TAG Plan

4) During the student’s eighth-grade year, he/she/they have the opportunity to complete a Capstone Project. Successful completion of one’s yearly TAG plan, yearly reflection, and a Capstone Project will allow one to earn a "TAG Capstone" certification notation on their transcript at the end of eighth grade. 

Capstone Project

Ms. Cochran helps TAG students in a variety of other ways; please email her with your questions and concerns.

Parent Input Form
Results from the form will be shared with your child's teachers. Direct conversations with individual teachers are always an option.