Report an Absence or Tardy
Use ParentVUE to:
- Check Attendance
- Report an Absence (for current date or in the future)
- See Schedules
Need help logging into ParentVUE? If you completed online registration, you created an account at that time. If you need help with your ParentVUE account, please contact the school front office for assistance.
Attendance Procedures
If your student is late for school/class:
Parents/guardians need to notify the school through ParentVUE.
Students must check in at the front office when they arrive.
If your student needs to leave school early:
Please call the attendance line at 503-534-2343 (option 1) first thing in the morning.
If you leave a message that your student needs to leave early, we will get a note to the student at the appropriate time.
Excusing Absences
Parents/guardians must notify the school through ParentVUE by the morning of each absence. Automated attendance calls go out late in the morning for all schools and again in the afternoon for our high schools.
Excused absences include:
- Personal illness, medical, psychological, and dental care
- Illness or death in the family
- Family emergencies
- Release time for religious instruction
- Observance of religious holidays
- Pre-arranged absences
- School-sponsored activities
Pre-Arranged Absence
A pre-arranged absence is a collaborative process that facilitates communication between students, teachers, and families. By working together, students will know what is expected, and teachers are better positioned to serve them and their families.
- Notification: Submit pre-arranged absences in ParentVUE like all other absences.
- Student Responsibility: Middle and high school students who request a pre-arranged absence play a crucial role in this process. They are responsible for procuring assignments from their teachers before the day or days of absence, empowering them to take control of their education.
- Family Responsibility: The families of elementary students who request pre-arranged absences are responsible for communicating with the teacher about any assignments during the absence days. Some in-school activities, however, cannot be made up at home.
Extended Absences
Under Oregon State Law, students must be dropped from enrollment if they are absent (excused or unexcused) for ten consecutive school days. Families can re-enroll the student by providing the proper registration materials.